Lá Spraoi 18.11.24
23rd Nov 2024
Bhí Lá Spraoi den scoth ag na daltaí ar fad ag Gaelscoil agus Naíscoil an tSeanchaí Dé Luain nuair a chuaigh R1-7 chuig Bruach an Chluana agus chuaigh na páistí Naíscoil chuig Sólann Chluain Uaine. Bhain na páistí ar fad sult as an lá spraoi a bhí curtha ar fáil el buíochas a ghabháil leo as na hiarrachtaí iontacha le linn de Cash for Kids nuair a bhailigh an scoilphobal £27,457.10 taobh istigh de 26 lá.
The pupils of Gaelscoil agus Naíscoil an tSeanchaí all enjoyed a great day at the Fun Day on Monday 18th when R1-7 went to the Meadowbank Sports Arena and the Naíscoil pupils went to the Greenvale Leisure Centre Soft play. The children all enjoyed the day thoroughly which was put on as a thank you to the pupils for their great efforts during Cash For Kids when they helped raise £27,457.10 in 26 days.
The pupils of Gaelscoil agus Naíscoil an tSeanchaí all enjoyed a great day at the Fun Day on Monday 18th when R1-7 went to the Meadowbank Sports Arena and the Naíscoil pupils went to the Greenvale Leisure Centre Soft play. The children all enjoyed the day thoroughly which was put on as a thank you to the pupils for their great efforts during Cash For Kids when they helped raise £27,457.10 in 26 days.

Gaelscoil an tSeanchai, Meeting St, Magherafelt, Derry BT45 6BW | Telephone: 028 7930 0532