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Gaelscoil an tSeanchai, Magherafelt

Lus na Gréine ag fás i Rang 5

23rd May 2023

Bhí Rang 5 ag foghlaim faoi shaolré lus na gréine. Mar chuid den fhoghlaim chur siad síolta i bpotaí. Chaith siad mí ag tabhairt aire dóigh ar scoil. Inniu, ghlac siad iad abhaile. Tá súil againn go mbeidh lus na gréine ag fás i ngairdíní na bpáistí go luath!

Rang 5 were learning about the lifecycle of the sunflower. As part of the learning, they planted sunflower seeds in pots. They spent a month caring for the plants at school. Today, it was time to bring them home. We hope there will be sunflowers growing in some gardens soon!